13 de October de 2016

Dr. Alejandra de Lourdes Ceballos

PhD in Biological Sciences and Professor in Biological Sciences, teaching Animal Diversity I, as adjunct professor.

alejandraI began studying the order Pseudoscorpiones in 1999 and I did my PhD thesis work “Systematic and Distributional Survey of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) in the Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina”.

Currently my line of research is oriented to the study of the sexual behavior of pseudoscorpions and how the gregarinas (Apicomplexa) affect their fitness and general behavior. Projects that have derived from the previous ones aim to investigate the existence and function of sex pheromones involved in attracting and meeting indivuals and to determine the  immunological trade-off at the hemocitary level during the infection of gregarinas and the melanization as answer and its possible effect in the sexual selection.




E-mail: cebalel@gmail.com , aceballos@unc.edu.ar