With all the participants

Karen Rinaudo and the award-winning poster
Our Laboratory participated at the II Conferences of Argentinean Arachnology, held in La Plata city, from September 19 to 21, 2018. It was held in the auditorium of the CCT-CONICET of that city.
The PhDs Mariela Oviedo-Diego and Débora Abregú, coordinated the symposium “Sexual selection in arachnids: a review of sexual roles from a female perspective”. The symposium was also attended by the PhD Fedra Bollatti, the Researchers Camilo Mattoni, Alfredo Peretti and David Vrech, and researchers from Uruguay. Matías Izquierdo and colleagues participated in the Symposium on Systematics, Diversity and Evolution of Spiders, coordinated by Iván Magalhaes (MACN).
We congratulate Karen Rinaudo and Manuel Zeballos, interns of our laboratory, who under the coordination of Alfredo Peretti and María José Albo, won the prize for the best poster presentation, entitled “Description of the multimodal courtship in the nuptial gift spider Trechaleoides keyserlingi (Trechaleidae) “.
The abstracts are now available.